Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Morning time on the eastern side of Camanche Iowa one can be easily be awaken to the sound of a thousand honks that seem never ending. An outsider at first would be astonished at all the different variety's and immense sounds, and honks created by these elegant creatures. But on the otherside of the spectrum a native would be able to tell you the truth, that these sounds are actually a cruel, annoying way of nature making sure we have to get out of bed in the morning. I could describe these sounds to you as non stop mating of a couple creating the most annoying sound know to man. So next time you here the sound of geese tooting away, make sure and think of what harm they are actually causing to other people.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

O'Brien relates to his environment in many different aspects in life. Like a lot of the other authors read in class, O'Brien bases his lifestyle around nature and his heard of buffalo. This is how he makes his living and gets bye in life, and when there seems to be no hope and giving up on his dreams and land, is the best option, O'Brien manages to find a way to get another job and somehow keep his land and heard alive. O'Brien could use his land more efficiently to try and replenish the land that is knocked over and killed by the herd. He does the best he can it said but there has to be other options like trying to plant crops that don't need sufficient nutrients to grow.